Everything is a Question

When it comes to toddler language and expression, the world is a new and exciting place that exists almost solely of questions; and asking questions is one of our most valuable tools in learning. All childhood is a time of rapid intake and output but especially during toddler years where life is one giant question to be asked in any and all ways.

Your little one asks you for answers because they trust you and seek your help and guidance. But, just because a child isn’t verbally communicating doesn’t mean they’re not asking you questions just the same (if not more!).

Toddlers have their own language when it comes to asking questions. As a parent, it’s your responsibility in understanding toddler language to patiently become fluent in this exciting and unique dialect.

Understanding Toddler Language

Your baby may be asking you a question when they:

• Look closely at an interesting object or person

• Reach for an object or person

• Point to something

• Touch something

• Look at you with a questioning facial expression

What’s the best response to further inspire curiosity?

1. Answering the question is important– a lack of response can lead to frustration and agitation.

2. Acknowledge the object and inquisition but don’t feel the need to respond immediately or with concrete answers. Remember, each question is a learning opportunity.

3. Offer support and another experience. A toddler pointing to a round object is a chance to not simply introduce the object, but other similarly shaped objects, for example.

4. Noticing the questions your toddler is asking on a daily basis helps to understand where their interests are as well.

5. Consider encouraging their interests by pairing matching activities. Is your baby fascinated with colors? How about a special app that is especially, creatively colorful and interactive?


Volatire wisely mused, “Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.” By igniting your child’s inquisition, you spark discovery skills whose kindle will burn long after their childhood.
